Dandelions... Pesky Weeds, or Medicine?
Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B6, C, and K. From the things I have read it states these vitamins are known to help promote healthy vision, protein synthesis, support skin health, and aid immune function, among other things.
Dandelion also contains vital minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, and potassium. Even with these micronutrients, a cup of raw dandelion greens contains just 25 calories. Dandelion is also low in carbohydrates and has minimal sugar per serving.
The aerial parts of dandelion, especially the flowers, contain approximately 115 times the polyphenol content than that found in the roots. I enjoy dandelion flowers not just because they taste good, but additionally because they contain nutritional benefits in levels that oftentimes exceed those found in the roots or the leaves.
However, dandelion leaves contain several components proven to reduce inflammation. Although the research is still in its early stages, dandelion has earned a widespread reputation for helping to reduce inflammation in the body.
Dandelion also contains vital components to help in other health areas. For example, natural anti-inflammatory boosters like dandelion leaf may help relieve pain and hasten recovery time. This is one reason I am trying to infuse them in some of the oils I use for my face and body creams.
The dandelion plant has properties that may support digestive health. It contains the prebiotic fiber, inulin, which is helpful for maintaining a balanced digestive system. Prebiotic fibers have several known health benefits, including facilitating regular bowel movements.
For centuries, Persian and East Indian cultures have used dandelion as a mild laxative and appetite stimulant. More comprehensive scientific research on dandelion's digestive effects is still needed, but it seems likely that dandelion positively impacts gut health and digestive function due to its complex carbohydrate and prebiotic fiber content.
Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, harmful compounds that can damage cells and genetic material. Superfoods like dandelion leaves contain high levels of powerful antioxidants that have several potential health benefits, such as preventing cell damage and supporting immune function.
Although more research is needed, dandelion has a long history of use in traditional medicine to aid liver conditions. I wish I could have found more on this as I do have a weakened liver and so this intrigued me greatly. I will be doing some more research on this one.
So far all I can find is dandelion leaf can lower oxidative stress levels, which can help the liver.
Traditional Chinese and Native American medicine utilizes dandelion to protect the skin and alleviate various conditions. As your skin ages, it becomes more fragile and susceptible to the elements. Dandelion leaves and flowers may help protect skin cells against sun damage and harmful UV rays. I’d say us horse girls could always use help in this area.
In addition, a modern study found that dandelion leaf and flower extracts are potent protective agents against UVB damage when applied before or immediately after exposure. Although more research is required, dandelion may work as an effective remedy for harmful sun exposure… and this is why I am game to add it to my night face cream.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses dandelion to help against upper respiratory tract issues, and modern studies have confirmed that it can support the immune system in fending off certain illnesses.
Components found in dandelion may also prevent viruses from growing by blocking protein synthesis and DNA replication, which helps keep us healthy. More research is needed, but the current evidence strongly suggests that dandelion positively affects the immune system. I say cant hurt to believe this!
Dandelion also contains a healthy dose of vitamin C and other micronutrients that support our health. The immune system benefits from a varied and nutritious diet, and superfoods like dandelion contain vital nutrients that aid in immune function and response.
Joint pain can negatively impact your quality of life, but for some people, dandelion leaf offers a possible natural solution to help alleviate pain. Dandelion leaf has anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce joint inflammation. It’s also high in antioxidants, which can reduce oxidative stress and protect against cellular damage.
Edema, also known as "water retention," occurs when the body retains too much fluid, causing swelling and discomfort. Because of its ability to stimulate the kidneys and promote the excretion of excess fluids, dandelion leaf is a natural diuretic that can help increase urine output and reduce water retention.
Dandelion leaf also contains potassium, which can help regulate fluid balance in the body. Potassium naturally counteracts the effects of sodium, one of the leading causes of water retention. As a result, dandelion leaf may help reduce water retention and swelling by promoting the flow of excess fluids and supporting proper fluid balance.
Bones are the body's structure and support, so keeping them healthy is important for overall health and well-being. Dandelion leaf contains calcium, a mineral that helps bones stay strong and healthy. Calcium is also important for muscle contraction, nerve function, and other bodily functions.
In addition to calcium, dandelion leaf contains vitamin K and magnesium, both of which promote bone health. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that promotes bone formation, whereas magnesium aids in calcium regulation in the body.
Rich dietary sources of bone-supporting nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin K, and magnesium, may reduce the risk of fractures and promote overall bone health.
I’m still researching how much dandelion I should eat each week?
Dandelion leaves may also help balance hormone levels in the body, which can help relieve menstrual cramps. Dandelion leaf contains phytoestrogens, which are plant compounds that have estrogen-like properties.
Mood and cognitive function are affected by the health of the brain and its supporting nutrients. Dandelion leaf contains antioxidants and choline, two compounds that help the brain function at its best. Antioxidants protect cells from damage and reduce oxidative stress in the brain, which improves cognitive function and lowers the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
Choline, on the other hand, aids in the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that supports memory and cognitive function. Because of the brain-boosting nutrients in dandelion leaf, it may improve mood and cognitive function.
All I know is, while my horse is grazing in his pasture. It won’t hurt me to munch on some dandelions while I sit and watch him. I hope this enlightened you and you don’t look at them the same anymore. Please don’t eat any where you aren’t sure if they have been sprayed with pesticides. I would only eat these in my own yard.