"Don't let them tame you". Take charge and be the boss of your own life.

I first saw Cindy's Instagram post on @AtelierCG and fell in love with her equestrian jewelry and leather accessories, (I don't leave home without my leather card holder) but I wanted to get to know the person behind these fabulous products. I wanted to know what motivated her. Why equestrian? What did she love about horses? So I called her!  

 I felt an instant connection. We both love horses and all they stand for. A few adjectives that come to mind are; beautiful,  powerful, problem-solving, protective, headstrong, regal, courageous, devoted, majestic, kindhearted, instinctual, spirited, surefooted, strong and powerful. Horses have given us great joy over the years and have taught us both to have boundaries. But the more time you spend with these amazing animals, the more of these attributes rub off on you.

I met Cindy at her home. I soon learned it was a definite reflection of all she is. Artistic, loving, warm, welcoming, a great mom and a horse lover. We soon hopped in our cars and headed out to the barn to spend a little time with her favorite four legged friend. I enjoy photographing these majestic creatures and the bond between them and their owners. I like capturing the intimate moments and seeing the love that is shared between them. Everyone has their own special story with their four legged friends and I like to try and tell it through images. Cindy brought out this dark handsome bay of hers and we started shooting and getting to know each other. I really wanted to know why she had started this equestrian jewelry line and why the phrase, "don't let them tame you". What did that mean for her? 

Cindy had been married and in business with her husband.  She explained that she did all of the design work in their partnership and that unfortunately, their relationship fell apart and that ended the business partnership as well. Cindy had to walk away from "their" company, her financial security, home, lifestyle, friends. At one point even her two lovely and very smart children (they speak multiple languages and are artistic and loving themselves). I thought to myself oh no, I am so sorry. My heart hurts for you. Cindy knows all too well what it's like work so hard for something, just to have it all taken away.... But Cindy is no victim in her own eyes. In fact her attitude is don't be a victim, be the boss of your own life. When Cindy's healing began she reminded herself daily, "stay strong, don't let them tame you". Wow, is that powerful!

How many times do we fall into that trap of blaming others for something instead of taking charge of our own lives.  I am thankful to see she did stay strong and thrived! Cindy didn't let them tame her and she dug deep and put what she was passionate about into her design and her line of jewelry and leather goods. She didn't give up, she didn't blame her circumstances, she took charge and became her own boss. She is a great example to woman on how to stay strong and take charge of their lives. Cindy encouraging people with each piece. I will always be grateful for all she shared with me, for the encouragement she gave me to keep going after what I'm passionate about.... Helping bring beauty to peoples lives, capturing great moments and reminding people on how we should live a happy, healthy, loving life. 

I can't help but smile each time I look down at my bracelet and see those words "don't let them tame you". Thank you Cindy for touching my life and sharing yours! 

I hope more woman get to meet this incredible lady in person someday, but for now here are some pictures of her in her element. Be sure to check out her website at https://ateliercg.com and get your very own accessory that will remind you to stay strong and "don't let them tame you".